Thursday, December 26, 2013

Maze of Chinese Symbol Casino

Chinese symbol for casino MAZE ART
Maze of Chinese CASINO Symbol 
Maze's Solution HERE
It may seem a little fruitless to contemplate using a strategy in the game of roulette, as roulette is a well known game of chance. This has not stopped many theorists over the years claiming that they have come up with a fool-proof theory for having a successful gaming experience every time you enjoy roulette or online roulette. The Martingale system works when players place all of their money on either the red or the black numbers. If you win your hand then you need to place another wager on the same colour. Playing this way can actually cause some really heavy losses as have been documented in a number of cases. The Andrucci system suggests that players keep track of the numbers that produce winning results and continue to place a wager on these numbers. This system is inherently flawed as it suggests that there is some pattern in this game of chance. Other theorists have suggested that players focus their attention on prime numbers when making a wager. Again, this theory suggests that there is some mathematical equation at play that affects the results, when in truth the game is based on a totally random set of sequences. The best advice a roulette player should adhere to is to stick to his budget, have a great time when playing and sharpen his judgement before his gaming session by solving a maze or a complex mathematical equation.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bitcoin Art Maze and Prime Numbers in Roulette

bitcoin maze artwork
Bitcoin Maze Art - Maze's Solution
Choosing prime numbers when playing online roulette and other games can have a really positive effect on the game. Not only does the player have more possibilities to win but he has a more constant chance of winning. By placing bets on the same numbers each time the wheel is set in motion the player has more of a focus and more chance to win because the probability of the same numbers coming up is higher. Players who randomly place bet on random numbers are less likely to have the same amount of success because their numbers don’t come up so often especially if they keep changing the numbers. One of the best ways to gain success when playing any of the online games and especially online games like the roulette options is to keep betting on the same numbers for a number of rounds. If choosing the prime numbers, this gives the player a focus and he is able to follow the progress and even chart the probability of when the numbers come up. Although this isn’t a science it can be proven that eventually there will be success and the player will be glad that he has persevered with the same numbers over and over again.